You will come rejoicing ringing in with pliers!

February 17, 2025

for loose-leaf binding & more

Book rings, binder rings, snap rings — folks in the know sometimes disagree on what to call these things. But rarely does anyone disagree that these simple rings are just the ticket for loose-leaf binding. They are also handy for hanging signs on wire bins, for connecting hanging sign panels one above another, or for any number of P.O.P. projects that require joining stuff together.

Three Popco steel book rings. Two in closed position and one on open position.

opening challenges

Popco’s book rings are sold in a closed position. This is by design — closed rings don’t turn into a tangled mess when shipped. The downside to this is that they can be difficult to open, particularly the smallest sized rings.

Opening by hand is entirely possible, but when done in the hundreds, or thousands — and such quantities happen all the time in the fulfilment industry — blisters can form; frustration and profanity may follow.

Two Popco steel book rings.

the right tool for the job

We have tip for easy openings and blister reduction: Use the right tool for the job. Seal-ring pliers are that tool. This common automotive tool may as well have been designed for opening book rings — they work that well.

Here’s how we use our seal-ring pliers: We rest it on a work bench. Then we lay a closed book ring over the pliers’ tips, making sure that the ring’s hinge-pin is at the 6:00 o’clock position.

A seal-ring pliers shown with a steel book ring.

no calluses & faster results

With the pliers set up as we’ve described, it takes just a light squeeze on the handle to pop open a ring — sparing you calluses and reducing profanity.

Likely, you’ll find that using the pliers will speed up your fulfilment project. Using the pliers may also result in fewer damaged rings. This is based on our experience with customers who have twisted the rings, when hand opening, damaging the ring’s hinge. With seal-ring pliers,  no twisting is required.

A seal-ring pliers with a steel book ring.

entirely fulfilling

If you are fulfilling large projects using book rings, you really must equip your crew with seal-ring pliers. If we sound like evangelists, it’s because we are. We want to sing the praises of the pliers in hymnal style. We want you to experience a hallelujah moment and rejoice with us.

A seal-ring pliers with three steel book rings.