You will come rejoicing ringing in with pliers!
for loose-leaf binding & more Book rings, binder rings, snap rings — folks in the know sometimes disagree on what to call these things. But rarely does anyone disagree that these simple rings are just the ticket for loose-leaf binding. They are also handy for...

Popco’s product pushers: one size DOES NOT fit all
for visibility and accessibility In grocery store coolers and freezers, and on store shelves, product pushers are an ideal tool for merchandising packaged goods. With product pushers, packages are kept front and center, visible and accessible to customers. Once...

It’s that joyous time again!
Geez, another year has passed in a blink and here we are again, in the midst of the holiday season. This is, of course, a time for traditions. Lighting a menorah, decorating a tree, gathering with family and friends – whatever your holiday tradition is, Popco’s wish...

Fly your flag on shelves with Popco
marketing ongondola shelves Gondola shelves, also known as Lozier shelves, are ubiquitous in retail settings. These metal shelves feature perforated holes on the shelf’s top deck into which shelf-bracket sign holders can mount. Among Popco’s selection for sign...

Hanging with Popco on the holidays
Fall is here and so too are holiday promotions. During this busy time, Popco’s sign hanging rails and hanging hardware become particularly important tools for grocers and retailers as they tout their seasonal offerings. .Our poster-hanging rails come in a variety of...

Popco’s new catalog is hot off the press
Popco's 24th catalog is hot off the press and mailing now to our customers. In the new catalog, we are introducing a number of new products, showcasing some products that are now on sale, and introducing an all-new product category – our custom extrusions. If you are...
Good things in small packages
It’s true, most of us like big things – big bank-account balances, big groups of friends, big...
The award to best supporting actor goes to…
Think of your point-of-purchase marketing piece as the star of the show. Now consider that a star...
Seeking attention? Waive your flag!
Let’s face it, we live in a shouty world. Retailers know this; they have no choice but to shout...
Mirror mirror on the door…
Mirror mirror on the door, make that shopper buy some more. That’s the point of this clever little...
Popco at Shop Marketplace: A smash success!
hello Cincinnati... On Tuesday, April 9, two Popconians landed at the CVG airport in northeastern...
Popco rocks the Shop! Marketplace show
Hello Cincinnati! Popco is on the road and ready to rock the 2024 Shop! Marketplace trade show....
One part & three ways to display
We’ve built a better mousetrap... Well, not so much a better mouse trap, more like a better...
Popco has the tools for the job
At Popco, we’re tickled pink... Tickled pink about a huge new addition to our website. We’re...
Happy holidays from Popco
It's that time of year again. The time when we reflect on a year that's nearly past and look...
Clip, Clip, Done!
Choose a favorite adjective and it’ll likely apply to Popco’s squeeze-clip sign holders. Here are...
Popco helps you through thick and thin
“One size fits all” is such a lovely notion. Too bad it’s rarely true without compromise. For...
Popco sign bases are cooler than you think
Popco’s sign feet are primarily used to support signs on counters, shelf tops and end caps, but...